
Engineer your everyday life with data

Manage daily life

Manage daily life

Keep track of your daily activities, tasks, and events in one convenient place, so you can stay organized and in control of your busy life.

Keep track of your daily activities, tasks, and events in one convenient place, so you can stay organized and in control of your busy life.

Track habits

Track habits

Develop positive habits and break bad ones by tracking your progress. With Daygraph, you can easily monitor your daily habits and see your progress over time.

Develop positive habits and break bad ones by tracking your progress. With Daygraph, you can easily monitor your daily habits and see your progress over time.

Find patterns

Find patterns

Discover trends and patterns in your habits and activities by analyzing your data in easy-to-read graphs and charts. Use this information to make positive changes and improve your daily routine.

Discover trends and patterns in your habits and activities by analyzing your data in easy-to-read graphs and charts. Use this information to make positive changes and improve your daily routine.

Achieve goals

Achieve goals

Set personal goals and track your progress toward achieving them with Daygraph. Whether you're trying to lose weight, learn a new skill, or save money, Daygraph can help you stay on track and reach your goals.

Set personal goals and track your progress toward achieving them with Daygraph. Whether you're trying to lose weight, learn a new skill, or save money, Daygraph can help you stay on track and reach your goals.

Daily reminders

Daily reminders

Stay on top of your daily habits and tasks with customizable reminders and notifications. Whether you need a nudge to exercise, take your medication, or complete a task, Daygraph has got you covered.

Stay on top of your daily habits and tasks with customizable reminders and notifications. Whether you need a nudge to exercise, take your medication, or complete a task, Daygraph has got you covered.

Custom themes

Custom themes

Personalize your Daygraph experience with a variety of customizable themes. Choose from a range of colors and designs to create a look that's uniquely you.

Personalize your Daygraph experience with a variety of customizable themes. Choose from a range of colors and designs to create a look that's uniquely you.

Maximize your productivity

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